The Kecak dance

The Kecak dance telling the story of Ramayana is India. Rama, a warrior
and legitimate for the Ayodya hier, was exiled with his wife Sita to the
remote desert. There, a spy an evil King Sita, falls in love with him,
and sending gold to lure deer Rama go. Sita and Rama, arrested Rev up
his troops to defeat those of the King of evil and rescue her. Rama is
the man dancing in the center of the circle is green, yellow gold deer
What makes the Kecak dance as exciting to watch was the fifty or
so men in checkered pants. They both chorus and props, providing music
for the story in a series of vocal chanting a constant changing with the
mood of the perpetrators. They don't sit still, well, they waved them
to simulate fire, and reposition themselves around the stage to
represent the wind and fire, jail cell, and the invisible hand
protection from the gods. This dance is played in five acts and lasts
about 45 minutes. Weekly (in some places daily) show of Kecak abound
around the island, but the most famous Kecak dance Theater in the city
north of the capital in Batubulan, Bali, Denpasar. Dance company
provides transportation for a nominal fee to and from the resort.
Attended recital Kecak is a must for any visitor to Bali. This is an
amazing experience, and a window into the culture of music and art that
makes people Bali special people