Islam is the religion revealed to man as the grace of the
universe. His teachings always bring
benefit to human life in this world. Allah himself has stated this,
as mentioned in (Surah Toha: 2): "We did not lose this Qur'an be
hard". It means that human beings are
willing to follow the guidance of the Qur'an, will be guaranteed by God that
their lives will be happy and prosperous world and the hereafter. Instead anyone who defied the
teachings of Islam and to deny this, surely he will have a narrow life and
Islamic teachings are full of benefits for these people, of
course, covers all aspects of human life. No forms of activity humans do,
but God has put rules in Islamic teachings. Culture is one of the trivial
side of human life, and has been set limits and give- below attempts to explain
the relation between Islam and culture. Although
short hopefully contribute to the notion of Islamic heritage.
and Nature of Culture
In the Big Indonesian Dictionary terms. 149, states that
"culture" is the mind, the intellect, customs. Being
"culture" is the result of the activities and the creation of mind
(intellect) humans, such as beliefs, arts and customs. Sociologists define culture with
overall proficiency (customs, morals, art, science, etc.). Moderate historians interpret as heritage or
traditions. Even experts Antropogi see
culture as a system of life, way of life, and behavior. These definitions indicate that
the very broad range of cultures. For ease of discussion, Ernst
Cassirer divided into five aspects: 1. Spiritual Life 2. Language and 3. Art 4. History 5. Science.
Spiritual aspects of life, including physical culture, as a
means (temples, ancestor sculpture, architecture), equipment (clothing, food,
tools ceremony). Also
includes social systems, such as ceremonies (birth, marriage, death)
The aspects of
language and include local language, rhymes, poems, novels.
Aspects of the arts can be divided into two major parts;
visual arts and performing arts, which include; visual arts (painting),
performing arts (dance, music,) Theatre (puppet) Architecture Art (houses,
buildings, boats). Aspects
include science scince (exact sciences) and the humanities (literature,
philosophy and history culture).
between Islam and Culture
To determine the extent of the relationship between religion
(including Islam) with a culture, we need to answer the following question: why
do people tend to maintain the culture, from whence the insistence that moved
men to work, think and act? What drives them to nature and
the environment is always changing it for the better?
experts consider that culture is a dynamic cultural tendency to divine. In fact according to Hegel, the
overall work realized in the form of human science, the rule of law,
constitutional, art, and philosophy is none other than realisasidiri process of
divine spirits. In contrast to some experts, like
Pater January Bakker, in his "Philosophy of Culture" states that
there is no relationship between religion and culture, as he argues, that
religion is a belief in spiritual life of adherents, in response to a divine
call. This belief is called Faith, and
Faith is a gift of God, the human being is the work culture. So they can not be found. As according to the
anthropologist, as expressed by Drs. Heddy S. A. Son, MA that religion is a
cultural element. It was, as the anthropologist
said that humans have the mind and have a knowledge system that is used to
interpret a variety of symptoms as well as religious symbols. Human understanding is very
limited and not able to reach the essence of the verses in the scriptures of
each religion. They can only interpret the
sacred texts in accordance with existing capabilities.
is where,, that religion has been the result of human culture. Various religious behavior,
according to experts antropogi, is not regulated by the verses of the holy
book, but by their interpretations of the sacred texts. From the description
above, it can be concluded that the culture experts have a different opinion on
the view the relationship between religion and culture. The first group considers that
religion is the source of cultures or in other words that the culture is the
real form of the religion itself. This opinion is represented by
Hegel. The second group, which was
represented by Father January Bakker, assume that culture has nothing to do
with religion. And the third group, GCC assumes
that religion is part of culture itself.
To see people and their culture,
Islam is not looked at from one side only. Islam considers that humans have
two important elements, namely earth elements and elements of soul that God
breathed into his body. This is clearly visible in the
Word of God as-Sajda Qs 7-9: "(Allah) is He Who began the creation of man
from clay, then He made his seed from an extract of despicable water yan
(semen). He refined and then breathed
into (the body) of his spirit (creation) His "In addition to creating man,
Allah Almighty also created beings called Angels, which is only capable of
doing good deeds alone, because it was created from light elements. And also create a Satanic or
devil can only do evil, as been created from fire. While humans, as mentioned
above, is a combination of the two elements of the creature.
a hadith mentioned that this man had two prompter; whispers of angels, as a
application of the elements of a soul breathed God, and whispers of Shaytan, as
an application of the elements of the soil. Both elements are present in the
human body, and the conflicting pull. When people do good deeds and
good deeds, then the element wins angels, otherwise when people do immoral,
adulterous and make mischief in the earth, the elements of a winning syetanlah.
Therefore, in addition to
providing sustenance, the willingness and ability in the form of hearing, sight
and hearts, God also gives instructions and guidelines, so that people are able
to use such pleasure to worship and do good on this earth.
has given to man an ability and freedom to work, think and create a culture. Here, Islam recognizes that
culture is a human creation. Being religious is a gift of God
for the benefit of the man himself. That is a gift of God to man to
direct and guide the works of man to make it worthwhile, has a positive value
and elevate human dignity. Islam teaches Muslims to always
do good and work, to always use the God-given mind to cultivate the natural
world into something useful for human benefit. Thus, Islam has acted as a spur
man to "cultured". And at one time put the Islam
that rules, norms and guidelines. Up here, it may be said that the
culture itself, derived from religion. Theory like this, it seems closer
to what Hegel stated above.
attitudes towards Islam
as has been described above, it comes to organizing and guiding communities
toward a good and balanced life. Thus Islam is not come to
destroy the culture that has embraced a society, but at the same time Islam
desires that mankind is far and avoid things that are not useful and bring
madlarat in his life, so that Islam needs to align and guide culture that developed in the
community towards the civilized culture and and heightens the degree of
This principle, actually animate
the contents of Law of the State of Indonesia, article 32, although in
practice, and there are differences of detail is striking. In the explanation of article 32
of the Constitution, stated: "Business culture must progress toward culture
and unity, with no new material rejected from a foreign culture to develop or
enrich the national culture itself, and heightens the degree of humanity of
From there,
Islam has divided culture into three kinds:
Culture is not against Islam.
fiqh rules stated: "al adatu muhakkamatun" means that the customs and
habits of a society, which is a part of human culture, have an influence on the
determination of the law. But it should be noted, that the
rule only applies to things that do not exist in syareat provisions, such as
the size of the levels of dowry in marriage, in the people of Aceh, for
example, the family usually women, to determine the amount of dowry around
50-100 grams gold. In the culture of Islam
Shah-Shah, because Islam does not determine the size of the dowry that must be
given to women. Determine the shape of the
mosque building, allowed the architecture of Persia, or Javanese Joglo
things that have been defined in the terms and Islam, the customs and habits of
a society should not be used as a legal standard. An example is what was written
by Ahmad Baaso in a newspaper stating that interfaith marriage is allowed in
Islam on the grounds of "al adatu muhakkamatun" because of
inter-religious marriage has become a culture of a society, then it is
permissible to the basic rules above. Such statements are not true,
because Islam has determined that a Muslim woman is not allowed to marry a
Cultural elements are partially contradictory to Islam, then in the
"reconstruction" so be Islami. most obvious, is the tradition of
Ignorance who perform the Hajj in ways that are contrary to the teachings of
Islam, as lafadh "Talbiyah" is loaded with shirk , Thowaf in the Ka'bah naked. Islam came to the cultural a
form of "worship" predefined rules. Another example is the Arab
culture for poetry Ignorance. By Islam culture is retained,
but reconstructed it to fit with the values of Islam.
Culture is contrary to Islam.
the culture of "cremation" is done by the people of Bali. Ie cremation ceremony held in a
festive atmosphere and vibrant nightlife, and massive. This is done as a form of improvement
for the dead to return to the creator. Ceremony of this kind requires a
very large cost. The same was done by the people
of Central Kalimantan with culture "tiwah", a cremation. The difference, in
"tiwah" funeral was conducted in the form of canoe first. Then when it came time, the
remains will be exhumed to be burnt again. The ceremony lasted until a week
or more. The organizers must provide food
and beverages in large quantities, as witnessed by the residents of the
villages in a large area. In the Toraja region, to bury
the dead yan, also requires huge cost. The funds were used to hold
animals for sacrifice in the form of a buffalo. Another made by communities
Cilacap, Central Java. They have a culture of
"Tumpeng Rosulan", in the form of the food offered to God and the
Prophet another cone, which is dedicated to Nyai Roro Kidul is a ruling by the
local community southern Ocean (Indian Ocean).
things above are some examples of cultures that are contrary to the teachings
of Islam, so Muslims are not allowed to follow. Islam forbade him, because the
culture as it is a culture that does not lead to progress , and unity, and not
increase the degree of humanity of Indonesia, on the contrary it is a culture
that degrades humanity. Because it contains the
teachings of squandering treasure for things that are unnecessary and
humiliating people who have died.
this case al-Kamal Ibn al Himam, one of the great scholars of the Shafi'i
Hanafi said: "Verily the texts syareat much stronger than tradition,
because tradition could have been a falsehood that has been agreed upon, such
as what part of our society today , which has a tradition of
putting candles and lamps in particular cemetery on the nights of Eid. 're Nash syareat, having proved
to-autentikannya, then it may not contain a falsehood. And because of the tradition,
the people who believe in it is binding, binding syare'at nash human being as a
whole., Then nash much stronger. And also, because of the
tradition of texts allowed through intermediaries, such as in the hadith:
"what is stated by good Muslims, then it is a good thing"
From there, it is clear that what is stated by Dr. Abdul Hadi, a lecturer at the
Faculty of Philosophy and Civilization Paramadina University, Jakarta, that
Islam should not be hostile or remodel the local culture, but should position
them as the verses of God in this world or jurisprudence is inadequate to
understand the art, is not true. Allaah
knows best By DR. Zain An Najah.