Birth of the Prophet Muhammad.
At the time of mankind in darkness and lost grip of his life, was born into the world of a humble family in the city of Mecca. A baby who would bring a big change in the history of world civilization. The baby was orphaned, his father named Abdullah died ± 7 months before he was born. The presence of the baby was welcomed by his grandfather Abdul Muttalib lovingly and then the baby was brought to the foot of the Kaaba. In this sanctuaries baby was given the name Muhammad, a name that has never existed before. According to dating experts, Muhammad was born on
12 Rabi-year elephant or the 20th of April in 571 AD
Prophet Muhammad. Qushai heroes are descendants of the tribe of Quraish who had successfully toppled the Khuza'ah the city of Mecca. His father Abdullah bin Abdul Muttalib bin Hashim bin Abdulmanaf Qushai bin bin bin Murrah Kilab of Arabs Banu Ismail. Her mother named Amina bint Wahab bin Abdulmanaf Kilab bin bin bin Murrah Venus.
Prophet Muhammad. He was handed over by his mother to a good woman Halimah Bani Sa'ad Sa'diyah of Hawazin tribe, place not far from the city of Mecca. In the village of Bani Sa'ad is Prophet Muhammad. nurtured and raised until the age of five years.
Mother and Grandfather's Death
After five years, Muhammad. diantarkannya to Mecca returned to her mother, Siti Aminah. A year later, that is, after she was about six years old, his mother took him to Medina, along with Umm Ayman, his father's slave heritage. Intention to bring the Prophet to Medina, the first to introduce it to the family of Bani Najjar and grandmother both for religious visit his father's grave. They lived there about a month, then went back to Mecca. On their way home, in a place, Abwa 'name, Aminah suddenly fell ill that he died and was buried there too. How sad hearts Muhammad, from small do not know his father well now have to part with his mother.
In accordance with the testament Abdul Muttalib, the Prophet Muhammad. care of his uncle Abu Talib. The sincerity of her parenting Prophet and affection bestowed upon her nephew is not less than what he gives to his own son. While in the care of his grandfather and his uncle, the Prophet Muhammad. showed an admirable attitude and always helps ease their lives.
Essential Experience Prophet Muhammad.
When he was 12 years old, the Prophet Muhammad. follow his uncle, Abu Talib brought merchandise to Sham. Before reaching our Sham, new to Bushra, caravan Meet Abu Talib with a pious Christian pastor, Buhaira name. The priest saw no sign of prophethood on Muhammad PBUH. So dinasehatilah Abu Talib that his nephew was immediately brought back to Mecca, because he was afraid that katau Muhammad. invented by Jews who would have persecuted him (in another narration the Jews would kill him). Abu Talib to finish the merchandize and return to Mecca.
Increased adult life, Prophet Muhammad. started on their own in their livelihood. Because he's known people who are honest, then a wealthy widow named Siti Khadijah trusting him to carry merchandise to Sham. On the way to Sham's, he was accompanied by a maid named Siti Khadijah Maisarah. After completion menjualbelikan merchandise in Sham, with a profit that is not little, they went back to Mecca.
After the Prophet Muhammad. home from a trip to Sham, the proposal came from the Siti Khadijah to him, then he would deliver it to his uncle. Once an agreement is reached marriage was held, at that time the Prophet age ± 25 years were Siti Khadijah ± 40 years.
Morals Prophet Muhammad.
In the course of his life from childhood to adulthood and until appointed apostle, he was known as an honest, virtuous and have a high personality. Nothing acts and behavior that can be alleged misconduct, all with different behaviors and actions mostly youths and residents of the city of Mecca in general are fond of debauchery and drunkenness. Because so honest in word and deed, that he was given the nickname "Al-Amin" means someone who can be trusted.
Muhammad. Being Apostle
When the age of forty, Muhammad. tahannuts working more than ever before. In the month of Ramadan brings supplies more than usual, because it will bertahannuts longer than ever before.
On the night of 17 Ramadan, coinciding with the August 6 Masehai year 610, at the time of Prophet Muhammad. 'm bertahannuts in the cave of Hira, the Angel Gabriel came as. bring paper and told Muhammad. to read it, he said: 'Read': With Muhammad surprised. replied: "I can not read". He then embraced several times by the Angel Gabriel as. so breath shortness, and then released him again while he sent read: "Read": But Muhammad. still replied: "I can not read": That situation repeated three times, and finally Muhammad. said: "What do I read? '. Gabriel said:
It means: "Read in the name of your Lord who makes. Yang made man from a clot. Read, and your Lord exceedingly Honor. Yang taught with the pen (read article). Teach a man what he did not know. (Surat (96) Al-'Alaq paragraph 1-5).
This is the first revelation sent down by Allah swt. the Prophet Muhammad. And this is also when crowning him as the Messenger of Allah, or God's messenger to all mankind to convey His message.
Task Prophet Muhammad.
According to history, for about two and a half years after the first revelation, then the Prophet received the revelation of the second. At the time waiting for the arrival of the second revelation, the Messenger of Allaah overwhelmed with feelings of anxiety, and worry that if ¬ revelation that he almost broke even despair, but its sanctioning bertahannuts him and he continued as usual in the Cave of Hira. Suddenly a voice came from heaven, he looked, behold, the angel Gabriel as. so that he shuddered with fright and immediately went home, then ask the Siti Khadijah that enveloped him.
Propagation by stealth
After the Prophet. The second revelation was that describe the task upon himself, he began secretly living in the same house he and his closest companions ¬, one by one, so that they leave religious idols and worship only Allah Almighty. So the first thing to him was his wife, faith alone Siti Khadijah, followed by the son of his uncle who was very young Ali ibn Abi Talib and Zayd ibn Naritsah, his slave who later became his adopted son.
Three years of the Prophet. da'watul afrad doing this are: an invitation was one by one in silence ¬ quietly or secretly from one house to another. Then after this, the word of God descended Letters (15) Al Hijr verse 94 which means: then start it what ye are commanded and turn away from the idolaters.
This verse commands the Prophet to be broadcast Islam openly and secretly left the way it is. Thus began the Prophet Muhammad. called on his people in general in places open to the worship of Allah and His Oneness. The first time the call (da'wah) that is common is he goes to his own kin, and to the inhabitants of Mecca in general consists of various ¬ sorts of walks of life, both of the nobility, the wealthy as well as the slave, then the Arab tribes from different regions coming to Mecca for pilgrimage.
Reaction Quraysh
When the people of Quraish saw the Islamists as well as men ¬ hear that their ancestors they dibodoh ¬ bodohkan and idols insulted insulted, their anger arose and began to unleash their hostility towards the Prophet and his followers. Many are followers of the Prophet who got punishment beyond humanity, particularly followers of the lower class. The Prophet himself, they did not dare to interference loss, because he still protected his uncle Abu Talib, and in addition to that he is a descendant of Bani Hashim who have high status and prestige in the eyes of the Quraysh so that he respected.
There are several factors driving the Quraysh against Islam and Muslims, among others:
To Habsyah Hijrah (Ethiopia)
After the Quraysh felt that their efforts to soften up Abu Talib did not work, so they launched an assortment of distractions and insults to the Prophet and intensified tortures beyond humanity against his followers. Finally, the Prophet could not bear to see the suffering of his friends and urged them to move to Habsyah (Abyssinia) that people embrace Christianity and the Apostles knew that the king Habsyah is known Najasyi fair. Thus arose the first batch of ten men and four women. They were followed by another group ¬ entourage to almost one hundred. Among Uthman ibn Affan Rukayyah he and his wife (daughter of the Prophet), Zuber bin Awwam. Abdurrahman bin Auf, Dja'far ibn Abu Talib and others. This event occurred in the fifth year after the Prophet Muhammad a messenger (615 M).
On arrival in the country they got penerimaah Habsyah and good protection of the king.
Boycott against Banu Hashim and Banu Muttalib
After the Quraysh saw that all the road they took to extinguish the da'wah (call for) the Prophet Muhammad. not give results, because the Banu Hashim and Banu Muttalib - two large families Prophet Muhammad, Islam either already or not yet - still protecting him, then they look for new tactics to cripple the power of Islam. They held a meeting and decided to do a boycott of the Banu Hashim and Banu Muttalib is the way to decide any nexus: marital relations, buying and selling, pilgrimages and other religious visit. Their decision was written on paper and hung in the Kaaba.
Prophet Experiencing Grief Year
Not to mention the pain that is felt healed Prophet Muhammad caused general boycott it, it's also a great calamity that befell him, the death of his uncle Abu Talib, at the age of 87 years. Not long afterwards followed by his wife Siti Khadijah. Both kinds of accidents happened in the 10th year of his prophethood. This year in the history of the so-called "Aamul huzni" (Year of Sadness), in a moment of Quraysh hostility towards him was rampant. They've started to dare hurt the body of the Prophet. However, all kinds of misfortune and persecution is not loosen Prophet fighting spirit.
People Yathrib to Islam
When they arrived at Yathrib from Mecca, they began broadcasting their kinsfolk, the resurrection of the end times prophet, Muhammad. who was in Mecca. Thanks to their activities, almost every house in Medina, heard and talked about the Prophet Muhammad.
In the 12th year after the prophecy come to Mecca on the Hajj 12 men and one woman resident Yathrib. They meet in secret Prophet at Aqabah. In this lempat they hold allegiance (agreement) on the basis of Islam and the Prophet.
Hijra to Yathrib
When the Prophet Muhammad. see signs both on the development of Islam in Yatrib that the Companions ¬ disuruhnyaiah companions move there. The apostle said to my friend was, ¬: "Allah Almighty has become Wajalla ¬ Yathrib people as brothers and sisters to you and the country as a safe place for you".
Task Prophet Muhammad. completed
When the messengers Arab tribes came to the Prophet to be the religion of Islam was followed by decline in mail (110) An Nasr depicting the arrival of the messengers and sent the Prophet ask forgiveness for them, then terasalah by him that his job is almost complete. Because he felt that his work was almost at the end, he intends to perform Hajj Farewell (Hajj efflux) to Mecca.